Volume measurements
  • U.S. liquid gallon is is equal to (exactly) 3.785411784 litres or about 0.13368 cubic feet.
  • Imperial (UK) gallon is legally defined as 4.54609 litres. This definition is used in Commonwealth countries and Ireland.
The standard barrel of crude oil or other petroleum product (abbreviated bbl) is 42 US gallons (34.972 Imperial gallons or 158.987 L .
Converting table
Litre US Gallon Imperial (UK) gallon
0.26417 0.21997
3.785412 1
4.546090 1.2009 1
Typical volumes of Pachmas products
Litre US Gallon Imperial (UK) gallon Remarks
220 58.12 48.39
216 57.06 47.51
210 55.48 46.19
204 53.89 44.87
200 52.83 43.99
158.99 42.00 34.97 Standard barrel of crude oil
147 38.83 32.34
120 31.70 26.40
105 27.74 23.10
80 21.13 17.60
60 15.85 13.20
30 7.93 6.60
25 6.60 5.50
20 5.28 4.40 Usally 20L Jerrycan is marked in the states as 5 US gallon (filled with 18.93L)
18 4.76 3.96
11 2.91 2.42
10 2.64 2.20 Usally 10L jerrycan is marked in the states as 3 US gallon
5 1.32 1.10 Usally 5L jerrycan is marked in the states as 1.5 US gallon

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